Training & Services
We’re here to help you every step of the way. Every member of our caring staff is dedicated to helping students succeed!
Our education department provides mentoring and tutoring to those who need it. Our experienced career guidance counsellors will help students with job search by connecting students with employers and by helping improve resume and interview skills.
Financial aid is available to those who qualify, and our financial aid department will help you determine your options.

High School Diploma
As a student in one of our eligible career pathway programs, students have the opportunity to earn your high school diploma while completing your course! Best of all, the opportunity to complete high school is available to you at no additional cost!
All of our programs are designed to meet today’s demands; we aim to train professional Engineers, Producers and Hosts who understand what it takes to be entertaining and culturally sensitive to businesses looking to expand their products goods and services around the world.
With the hands-on training you get from experienced instructors who really care, you get an education that employers value.
Career Employability Training
Our career services are design to assist participants in all areas of preparation towards self sufficiency. This covers many topics including:
Choosing a career
Resume writing
Interview skills
Money management
Advancing on the job
Avoiding conflict in work

Online Training
As an accredited vocational academy, our online course are growing monthly. Students can choose from a selection of engaging courses including:
Multimedia radio and TV production & hosting
Web design
Visit our site today and see all the exciting courses we have to offer at Flashback Academy. Email one of our guidance counsellors to start your career click here:
Gang Intervention
GRCN intervenes with gang members and those students on the fringe of gang involvement through direct advice and conflict resolution activities with disputing parties, as well as meeting with parents/guardians for the purpose of bringing about a disassociation with gangs.
GRCN maintains a variety of records (e.g. interventions, gang members and affiliations, etc.) for the purpose of compiling and documenting activities in compliance with requirements. All participants take part in one-on-one and group sessions where they can discuss issues moving beyond gangs to life as an adult.
Support services include (but are not limited to): Mentoring, Parenting, Substance Counselling, Life Skills and Cultural Diversity.

Our veterans have put their lives on the line for this country. We have not forgotten.
Congress passed, and the President signed into law, the VOW to Hire Heroes Act of 2011. Included in this new law is the Veterans Retraining Assistance Program (VRAP). VRAP offers up to 12 months of training assistance to unemployed Veterans.
Emancipated Youth
Former foster care youth, veterans and the disabled are encouraged to enrol - now that you have aged out of the system your future looks brighter than ever!
Helpful: we’ll determine if you qualify for financial aid, grants or scholarships
Convenient: Daytime and evening classes available
Qualified: Knowledgeable instructors who possess real-world experience
Supportive: Get access to all the help you need
The California Chafee Grant is free money for current or former California foster youth to help pay for college or career and technical training. Chafee Grants don’t have to be paid back. A Chafee Grant is a federal and state funded grant.

With the hands-on instruction, mentorship and tutelage students get from experienced instructors who really care, you get an education that employers value.